Monday, July 4, 2011


I know I am  way over due to update the blog.  Forgive me? There is so much to share. After returning home from the hospital it was harder getting back into the swing of things than the last time. It was shocking to have to go back into the hospital. C, the girls, and I are a bit burnt out! We have an appointment to see Doc. Lotze and Doc. Shwaube this Wednesday. I have two pages of questions already typed up for them! We are ready for this appointment. C had an episode a few weeks back where he was suddenly unresponsive for over 3 minutes. The girls and I were shaken to our core. This signals that something is occurring in C’s brain. The Bell’s Palsy of the face (drooping of the right side of his face) and pstosis of the eyes (drooping eyelids) have also indicated this. However, the MRI shows a healthy brain. This truly is befuddling. Please be praying that Doc. Lotze will know how to proceed with these contradictions. I am very interested to hear his expertise on C’s new MRI. Currently C has come down with bronchitis. The reason why this is a bit concerning is because he has a weak cough and sneeze; which makes him very susceptible to pneumonia.
OK OK…done with all Debi Downer junk…..
C has made amazing strides since coming home from the hospital! Christian Daniel is ARMY CRAWLING!!!  We are so proud of him, we beam! I wish each and every one of you could see him in action! He truly is inspiring! His perseverance and determination is a blessing to watch. One statement has been repeated over and over by C’s doctors, therapists, and supporters,”I expected worse from what I read (from either C’s medical charts or blog)”. After hearing this so much, I created a theory.  WARNING!! I am putting a disclaimer on this theory though; Christian is my son, so my opinion is SLIGHTY bias! HaHa! C has a way of wearing Transverse Myelitis that makes you believe anything is possible.  Who Christian is to the core out shines his TM, his disabilities. And I believe these things will always play second fiddle to this astonishing little guy! What the fallout is from his TM is written in black and white but C is more than that diagnosis. He keeps getting knocked down but he comes back every time hungry to adapt and overcome, adapt and overcome. C doesn’t just find a way to get what he wants, he MAKES a way. I pray that one day; I too, can rise to life’s challenges with such finesse.
I can see God’s promises ringing true in our daily life. The provisions he has provided, make every step not only possible but hopeful.  God is who is taking every step with C, cheering him on and reminding him all things are possible THRU HIM! God is providing C with his super hero endurance and strength. God is in all of C’s therapists, who treat and most importantly love him like their own child, instead of a client. God is in our church family, Crosby First Baptist, who when we got too tired to walk picked us up and carried us…and still does this very moment. God’s hands and feet are moving through every prayer, hug, donation, meal made, coffee break, phone call taken and made, care package given but mostly ya’lls presence alone have made the greatest impact in our life. With all that we are….Thank-You.



  1. Amazing blog.. I mean tears fill my eyes with so much joy. I just can feel the presence of lord while reading. It was so nice to meet you while leaving target the other day. I thought Christian looked awesome! Your attitude is wonderful and there is no doubt you will be blessed from it for sure. Thank you so much for sharing. Our prayers will continue. Tara shuttlesworth

  2. Way to go "C"! Praying God's continued guidance for all who are involved in C's progress.

    Loving you all!
    Billy, Paula & Terra Hunt

  3. Prayers are continuing!!

    Love the Morgan clan

  4. I pray for you all, family, caregivers, friends, medical personnel; I speak of your children, your health problems with Christian, and I ask everyone who will listen to pray for you(collectively). Thanks for keeping us updated, it is so rewarding to hear about his spirit and to see the Lord's work in your family and those who surround you. God Bless you and yours, d
