Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Tuesday, May 3rd has held some stressful moments but is turning out to be a day of God's blessings!  CHRISTIAN IS DOING WELL after his MRI and surgical procedure.  Mom and dad survived as well. 

Then, moments ago, the doctors said there was NO REASON FOR CHRISTIAN TO HAVE TO BE IN THE PICU for the treatment.  So, Jack and Danielle are now unpacking and setting up camp back in the same room!  This was a welcome "surprise" gift from God today.

Jack and Danielle send this message:

"It has certainly been difficult to endure all of this.  However, Jesus has been right here with us supplying us with dear friends and limitless support.   God has placed a nurse with us whose sister has transverse myelitis and she has great knowledge and contacts she has shared.  Dr. Lotze has pulled strings to get us back to the 10th floor...... Jesus is HERE. We can see Him and feel Him."

Ephesians 3:20-21 says,

"God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.

   Glory to God in the church!
   Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus!
   Glory down all the generations!
   Glory through all millennia! Oh, yes! "

Trusting that God is able and waiting with anticipation to see what He chooses to do next!


  1. Praise the Lord! Hearing that you are actually FEELING the Lord there with you and not just relying on the knowledge of His presence, is exactly what I've been praying for! Praise, praise, praise! And still more prayers throughout the duration of C's journey!

    Love, love, love... The Malone's

  2. Great NEWS! will continue to pray! MY SWEET GIRL also prays for you daily!

    Cris G

  3. So thrilled to hear the news. Been in prayer all night and morning. Will continue to lift you all up. I miss you. Will be there as soon as I'm germ free.

  4. Praise God! Lots of prayers coming to you.

    I am getting blocks from as far away as Poland and Australia. All with well wishes and prayers for the family.

    Lots of Love
    George, Amy, and Brianna

  5. I adore good news!!! You all are in my cont prayers! God sure knows to work it up there on that 10th floor! Awesome!

  6. We are praying, praying, praying! So good to hear this good news.

    -Tiffany Beylotte

  7. God is so good...I am so excited to hear all the good news. I couldn't believe that transverse myelitis was on mystery diagnosis today. Also wanted to let you know that a coworker of mine has lifted up your family in prayer at her church. They have printed out Çhristians picture and anointed it with oil, and the preacher has written a scripture on it. I will give you the picture when I see you again.

  8. This is such great news! Your whole family is constantly in my prayers. Couldn't open up this posting fast enough when I saw the heading.

    Love and Prayers,
    Debbie Copeland
