Monday, May 9, 2011

Weekend update and Monday, May 9th Prayers

Thank you for your continued prayers and concern for Christian and his family.  Your commitment to pray and check in with his progress is a life giving gift to the Smith family.  The knowledge people are praying is an invaluable gift.  God is their sustainer and a very present help in time of need.  You are the body reaching out and giving tangible life to their faith. 

Over the weekend, Christian had his 3rd plasmapheresis treatment as well as a blood transfusion.   The plasmapheresis treatment is basically like dialysis.  It is the removal, treatment, and return of (components of) blood plasma from blood circulation.  A blood transfusion is when he received the blood of another individual due to his own hemoglobin count being low.  Today he has his 4th of 6th plasmapheresis treatments.

At this point, there has been no change in his use of hands or legs.  Last week, he was fitted for leg splints due to the stiffness in the legs and feet. The splints will keep his feet in proper position so his tendons and muscles will not shrink.  Christian is also struggling with constipation issues.  Because he is not eating well, he is having difficulty getting his full dose of miralax, which is causing more constipation. Bowel and bladder issues are a direct result of the transverse myelitis. 

It is very difficult on treatment days in particular.   At this point, we are unsure if most of these symptoms are treatment related.  He feels lousy.  Low blood count.  Treatments. Constipation.  You can imagine!

1.  "We want to see some movement in Christian's legs.  We want to see his hands uncurl."  His core muscles are not working either- which affects ability to sit up and hold himself up.  Please continue to pray for God to heal Christian completely.
2.  Please pray for Christian to have relief from his constipation struggle.  It is very painful for him and for his parents who want to relieve his pain and are unable to do so.
3.  The girls - Jillian is really having a tough time with seperation from mom and dad.  Please pray for her to have peace.  Ky appears to be doing well.  She is working  really hard to please everyone and help in any way she can.  Please pray she will not take on any more than is needed.  Please continue to pray for and support Mike and Stacie Criswell who are so kindly caring for the girls and offering them stability during this time.
4.  Jack and Danielle- Exodus 17:8-15 tells of the battle against the Amalekites.  As long as Moses held his hands up to God, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.  When Moses' hands grew tired, Aaron and Hur made it possible for him to sit and they "held his hands up - one on one side, one on the other - so that his hands remained steady" .  The battle was won.  Jack and Danielle are in a battle.  They are weary, tired, and in need of people to "hold their arms up" in prayer and warfare against the enemy who would seek to weaken them during this time.  It is difficult not to question decisions when you must watch your child suffer.  Pray for God to strengthen their faith and resolve.  Pray for God to give them the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical stamina needed to endure with confidence that God is good, God is able and God is trustworthy.  Ask God to surround them both with a very real sense of His presence and peace. 


  1. We are in constant prayer for Christian and his healing, I do believe that the healing that is continously being prayed for has been answered. We as humans want instant gratification and its hard to be patient in times of trials, especially when our little one is suffering from illness and our other little ones are having hard times...Stay strong in the faith that has been instilled in you Danielle, and know that in His Time we will see the miracle of complete healing that has been prayed and answered. Claim it, Speak it and Believe it! Love to you all and as always prayers

  2. Praying daily for your family and your sweet little boy. My 3 year old daughter knows Christian by name as we pray for him every night! Jesus loves his little children and He his holding this one in His hand still.

    Summer Welch

  3. Praying continually. Loving the Smiths and remembering them to God every chance. Knowing that God desinged Christian's little body and He knows just how to fix it. Praying that we all can hold on to taht ruch as we wait for God's timing to be played out.

  4. We prayed for little Christian in Kyleigh's Sunday School class for months before he was born. We rejoiced at his birth. So many prayers being said for him now.

    We pray with the assurance that our all powerful God is listening and that He loves and cares. We know how preciouse little children were to Jesus during his time on earth.

    We do not understand this present moment,
    but we pray with faith and expectant hope for Christian, his family, and medical staff who care for him.

    Debbie Copeland

  5. "I will give you abundant water for your thirst and for your parched fields. And I will pour out my Spirit and my blessings on your children. They shall thrive like watered grass, like willows on a river bank. 'I am the Lord's, they'll proudly say" (Isaiah 44:3-5, TLB).

    The only thing that counts in this world while your children are here on this earth is that they can say, "I am the Lord's!" Your children ARE the Lord's! I rejoice in that for you!
